Wednesday 5 October 2016

Visual Literacy - The Language of Design

Visual Communication

  Being a designer, we should be able to solve communication problems by using images or motion, also communicate our ideas to different audiences in a range of contexts.

Visual Literacy: The ability that explain ideas from images and types that can be read.Being visually literacy need to contain an awareness between Visual Syntax and Visual Semantics.

  Visual Syntax means the basic elements of an image that can affect the audiences. For example framing, format, scale, colour, font.
  Visual Semantics represents a way that an image fits into a cultural process of communication.
  Semiotics is the study of the sign process.
  Visual Synecdoche is a term to represent a large thing such as a place.
  Visual Metonym is a symbolic image to make reference to something. 
  Visual Metaphor represents using an image to represent an other image.

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