Thursday 24 November 2016

Consumerism - Persuasion, Society, Brand Culture

Sigmund Freud(1856-1939)

  1. New theory of human nature 
  2. Psychoanalysis 
  3. Hidden primitive sexual forces and animal instincts which need controlling 
  4. The Interpretation of Dreams (1899) 
  5. The Unconscious (1915) 
  6. The Ego and the Id (1923) 
  7. Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920) 
  8. Civilization & its Discontents (1930) 
In 1930
-Fundamental(basic) tension between civilisation and the individual
-Human instincts incompatible(opposite) with the well being of community

-Henry Ford (1863 – 1947)
-Transposes(reverse) Taylorism to car factories of Detroit
-Moving assembly(part) line
-Standard production models built as they move through the factory

Marketing hidden needs:
  1. Selling emotional security  
  2. Selling reassurance(trust) of worth 
  3. Selling ego-gratification 
  4. Selling Creative Outlets 
  5. Selling Love Objects 
  6. Selling sense of power 
  7. Selling a sense of roots 
  8. Selling immortality

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