Wednesday 16 November 2016

Print Culture

-Term comes from the media theorist Marshall Mcluhan

  1. – ‘the best that has been thought & said in the world’ 
  2. – Study of perfection 
  3. – Attained through disinterested reading, writing thinking 
  4. – The pursuit of culture 
  5. – Seeks ‘to minister the diseased spirit of our time’

-A form of literary studies named after F. R. Leavis
-Still forms a kind of repressed and common sense attitude to popular culture
-For LeavisC20th sees a cultural decline Standardisation & levelling down

Collapse of traditional authority comes at the same time as mass democracy(No government). Also, popular culture offers addictive forms of distraction and compensation.

Technological Reproduction of Art removes:

  1. Creativity 
  2. Genius 
  3. Eternal value 
  4. Tradition 
  5. Authority 
  6. Authenticity 
  7. Autonomy 
  8. Distance 
  9. Mystery

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