Saturday 15 December 2018

Initial ideas

I was planning to do a branding rebrand for my practical project, choose an UK company and rebrand their logo for the Hong Kong market. While, I think this idea is a bit straightforward and it is too similar to the project project that I did in Cop2. Moreover, I think it is not challenging and I can only lear few things from it. 
Hence, I changed my idea to make something creative, and use my specific area (The knowledge of traditional Chinese) to my design. As a result, I changed my idea to make a typographic guide to be used by designers when branding for a Hong Kong market. It is a really interesting project, I can learn a lot of things from it, for example, I can get more experience on how to editing the traditional Chinese characters by those categories, it would be a great chance for me to prepare my future works in Hong Kong.

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