Tuesday 10 April 2018

Uniqlo logo

  Uniqlo was originally designed to appeal to young Japanese who loved foreign things. The names is derived from “unique clothing” and the original logo, designed in 1991, was written only in English.

  When Sato began his redesign, the first thing he changed was the colour. Instead of the deeper red, he switched to a brighter shade to match the rising sun of the Japanese flag. To continue with this cultural export, he added a second version of the name to sit next to the English letters  written in Katakana, a set of characters used in Japan to represent foreign words. And his final touch was to keep the two versions of the name in red squares, imitating the Japanese chops or seals used to sign documents and works of art.

  Basically, adding multi language in the logo is because it can show more cultural for a country to other foreigners.

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